News | Special formats available

print24 provides individual formats

September 7th, 2011, 12:17 pm

„The customer is king!“ is more than just a phrase for us. On the contrary: customer feedback is highly valued at print24. We take your suggestions seriously and always try to find the best solution for your satisfaction.

There was one question which occurred quite often in the last months: “How can we order special formats?” Good news! From now on special formats are available at print24.
The possibility to order special formats from online printing portals is unique. Our production processes are highly optimized and automated to offer you products at the highest quality standards with fast delivery and economic prices. Until now this required us to make the compromise of not offering custom formats.

In addition to the individual we launched a lot of formats as standard ones. From now on it’s possible to order DVD-covers and DVD-booklets as standard products.

We proudly announce that we found a solution which allows you to order your individual format. Since yesterday you can order special formats for almost all of our products e.g. flyers, calendars, posters, postcards, brochures and letterheads.

How it works

If you’d like to have a product with a custom size you begin to order like usual by accessing the calculation tool on the main page at print24. Choose your product and make sure to check if your desired format is available as a standard. If it’s not, don’t worry. Click the link above the format selection box or the dropdown button and the first option is setting a special format.

Choosing this opens a new layer where you can type your favored format in mm and determine the alignment. If your selection falls outside basic production requirements, e.g. a shortfall of the minimum size, a warning sign and an explanation will appear within the layer. If you change your mind while going through the calculation you can go back to alter the format or switch to a standard size.

With this new special format option you’re finally able to adjust print products to your individual needs instead of being restricted by predefined formats.

This innovation was possible because you didn’t hesitate to leave your feedback. We thank you for the inspiration and would love if you continue to use our feedback button at our website and maybe soon we’ll present the implementation of your own suggestion.

2 Responses to “News | Special formats available”

  1. Hector says September 19th, 2011 um 9:42 am

    Me parece un gran avance. Enhorabuena.

  2. print24 says September 19th, 2011 um 10:54 am

    Gracias Hector :)

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