Election posters
Election posters for strong campaigns!
Have election posters printed
The next election is coming up and you need high-quality election posters for the campaign? Then print24 is the right place for you. We offer a wide range of paper options and formats to put your candidate or party in the perfect light. Election posters can be printed in standard sizes from DIN A4 to DIN A0. Of course, we also offer large formats such as 6/1 or 8/1 for advertising pillars with your campaign posters.
When it comes to printing, you benefit from further options. With the CMYK process, you are free in your choice of motif and benefit from a high colour depth and brilliance with photos of candidates. No matter whether you are planning an election campaign for regional elections or a large, cross-state campaign: with us you can have up to 50,000 election posters printed cheaply and in high quality.