
Sleeve boxes

Personalised sleeve box printing

Sleeve boxes are the classic form of packaging for premium products and gifts, such as perfumes, jewellery or cosmetics – because the boxes are not opened by unfolding, but by rather elegantly sliding, to reveal their contents. If you want to sell or give your items in highly attractive packaging, print24.com gives you the chance to have personalised sleeve boxes printed. Choose from many different formats for the configuration.

What would an exquisitely scented perfume be without stylish packaging to emphasise the exclusivity of these precious few millilitres of fragrant liquid? The bottle is slid out of the package; no ripping or unfolding here – it’s the refined way to open packaging. The same is true for cosmetics packaged in sleeve boxes. Whether it be night creams or argan oil, these products look even more attractive in neat sleeve boxes. All you need now is a print file with your design ideas. Then you’re all set to start configuring your sleeve boxes for your perfumes or cosmetics!