
Large-format posters

Large-format posters printing

Large-format posters in the “6-sheet” format are the classics of outdoor advertising. On an area of more than two square metres, companies can present advertising slogans, purchase incentives or information in an eye-catching manner. In print24.com, you have found a reliable printing company where you can order the printing of large-format posters in various formats online. If you have your print file to hand, you can commission your large-format posters from us right away.

If you want to advertise on a large scale, there is really no alternative to large-format posters. Large-format “6-sheet” posters are tried and tested, especially for advertising in city centres. Advertisers do not have to be big corporations; thanks to the reasonably priced printing at print24.com, small and medium-sized businesses can also profit from the advertising impact of large-format posters. We would be happy to help you with any further questions you may have regarding this printed product. Just give us a call or get in touch by email - we answer during our opening hours!